Exhibitors, Vendors & Artist

There are still some spots open for Exhibitors/Vendors!

Exhibitor/Vendor application form for 2022 can be submitted here: Exhibitor Application Form 2022

These Vendors will be attending Sausomecon 2022!

Asylum Anime

Anime Palace

Mental Escape

Kansas City Chess Club - Saturday Only

Exotic Wolf Designs


Omnia Phantasia

Haha Anime and Games

Decade of Excess

Hen Da Ne! Inc.

Druid Dice

Ronin Shogun Enterprises LLC - Unable to attend

These Artists will be attending Sausomecon 2022!

Deidra Rayanne Illustration

Etreeal Arts/NaskyHolyGoddess/Weebs & Gears

Ninja Monkey Studios

ChibiOro Creations

Jacob Grimoire

Resin Wishes

Crazy Red Artist

Sarahs Art & Cosplay Shop

Rexus Illustrations

Sketchbook Sisters

Deadusagichan Art

Gravitysoda Creations

LiLD Paws Studios

Artist Alley applications have a wait list but you can still submit an application via the form here: Artist Alley Application Form 2022